YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month.If you’ve ever watched a video online, there’s a good chance it was a YouTube video. For example, almost all of the video tutorials on our website are actually YouTube videos!


YouTube has promoted democracy through free expression of individual political views, for example enabling Arab Spring protest videos to transcend national boundaries, causing certain restrictive regimes to censor or ban the website. YouTube has affected conventional politics, becoming even more important than direct mail in political campaigning, with politicians and governments using the website to directly engage citizens and promote policies. 

  • Free to use. Uploading and watching videos on YouTube is completely free. …
  • Gives you the opportunity to earn money through your videos. …
  • An Easy Way to Share Information. …
  • Backlinks Are Generated. …
  • Everything is Public. …
  • Many Rules. …
  • Your Account can be Disabled Without Any Reason.


1.In education YouTube help in term of provide the video of teaching .

2.The students are able to access to the sources of learning anytime anywhere.

3. Provide the chance for all the learner to study with the high professional.

4. There are many skill people who upload their video and we can learn from their skill.


1.       YouTube is a free site which sometime the young generation will get the bad example from the video.

2.       There are many pirated movie and song spread in YouTube which effect to the copy right issue.

3.       There are many uncensored or sexual harassment clip which is not suitable for the young age user.

4.       There are many video which spread the wrong believes that is dangerous to follow such as eating Mentos with carbonated drink

Educational Benefits of YouTube

1. It is free

2. It can be used anywhere.

3. It can be used as a supplemental resource.

4. It extends the classroom setting into the home.

5. It offers multiple learning options for the same task.

6. YouTube can be a network of sorts for teachers.

7. Videos can be rewatched as often as needed.

How to Make a YouTube Videos