What is the differance between Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace ?
why diversity and inclusion is important ?

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is more than policies, programs, or headcounts. Equitable employers outpace their competitors by respecting the unique needs, perspectives and potential of all their team members. As a result, diverse and inclusive workplaces By having an inclusive and diverse environment, this allows more wider perspectives to be integrated when brainstorming, problem solving and developing new ideas in business.15-Sept-2020 earn deeper trust and more commitment from their employees.

benefits of diversity and inclusion ?
  • Higher revenue growth.
  • Greater readiness to innovate.
  • Diverse organizations spark innovation.
  • Diverse leadership expands an organization’s customer base.
  • Diverse teams get better answers.
  • Diverse project teams collaborate more effectively.
  • Diversity improves team performance.
  • Diverse teams make better decisions.
where can i see diversity and inclusion ?
  • Race.
  • Ethnicity.
  • Age.
  • National origin.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Cultural identity
  •  This type of diversity is related to each person’s ethnicity and it’s usually the set of norms we get from the society we were raised in or our family’s values. Having different cultures in the workplace is more common in multinational companies.
How do you build inclusion and diversity in the workplace ?
6 Steps for Building an Inclusive Workplace
  1. Educate Your Leaders.
  2. Form an Inclusion Council.
  3. Celebrate Employee Differences.
  4. Listen to Employees.
  5. Hold More-Effective Meetings.
    • Review Your Corporate Communication to Eliminate Unconscious Bias.
    • Create Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment Policies.
    • Make Sure Your Team Knows What it Means to Recruit a Diverse Workforce.
    • Provide Supervision and Support to Your Recruiting Team.
    •  Goals and Measure Progress.