5 Myths & Misconceptions about SIP investment

Myth #1: SIP is only for small investors

Fact: SIP is a suitable option for investors with all types of investment goals and financial backgrounds. You can start SIP with as low as Rs 500 per month and there is no maximum investment limit.

Myth #2: SIPs are risky and the returns are low

Fact: SIP is a better and safer way to invest in the stock market and create wealth for the long term.

Myth #3: SIP locks up your money for a long time

Fact: SIP is a flexible investment option, which gives investors the flexibility to redeem their investments anytime.

Myth #4: SIPs are only good for equity mutual funds

Fact: SIPs are not limited to equity mutual funds, but are also ideal for many other investment options like debt funds, hybrid funds, and index funds.

Myth #5: SIP requires a lot of paperwork and documents:

Fact: SIPs require minimal documents and paperwork, making them a hassle-free investment option.